Friday, January 9, 2009

I am lucky to live in a state where there is so much beauty. I want to share this with you.
This picture was taken just before sunset in Colorado National Park. Yes, it does get dark eary in the mountains.

Elk are protected in Colorado National Park. These guys knew I was standing behind them, but they weren't intrested in me. They were enjoying the view.

This little guy or one of his family members can be seen thrughout the mountain area in Colorado. This Chipmonk was looking at us as we were looking at him.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

This picture was taken in June '08 in Yellowstone. We took advantage of the snow and took Christmas Portraits. This one was used by My son and his family for thier Christmas Cards.

This picture was taken right before my grandson's last football game. I was surprised, because he asked me to take his picture. Most of the time he will shy away from the camera. He was on his way to the football field when he asked me and I didn't have time to set him up in a good background. I took the picture anyway. He was happy and so was I.
This portrait of my granddaughter, Ally, was taken after she fell and hit her face creating a bruise on her left side of the face. She was so embarrassed by it she didn't want anyone looking at her. I told her I would fix it. I took her picture and used photoshop to ,as she says, Erase the bruise. This put a smile on her face.
Sorry I haven't posted to this blog since December 15, '08. The Holidays keep me buzy. But now it's time to get back to every day things. Don 't get me wrong. I love the Holiday time, but I also enjoy the peasefullness of after the holidays.
My brother Tom gave me the idea to share some of the portraits I've been doing this holiday season. The first portrait I did was that of my dog, Snowbee. It's amazing how she puts up with me constantly taking her picture. But then again, she thinks she's a DIVA. HA! HA!. I actually used this picture on my holiday cards since we didn't get our family picture done.